作者郎传声,一位七旬老人,曾是一位军旅医生,也是父亲、丈夫、儿子。作者以平实的语言,记叙下日常生活的点点滴滴: 从童年时代的天真烂漫、乡情野趣,到青年时代的意气风发、家国情怀;从中年时代的柴米油盐、同舟共济,到晚年生活的安常处顺,美满和乐。写尽一代中国人的热忱、坚韧与美好。

Time Has A Voice
This is an autobiographical book telling the life story of an ordinary man, Chuansheng Lang, who devoted his life into the career of a military doctor, and also a father, a husband, and a son. The book consists of 50 short and separate stories, written in lively and cordial language. The stories are all about the enthusiasm, tenacity and beauty of humanity, including the innocence and nostalgia of childhood, the noble spirits of family and country in youth, the love and responsibilities in the middle age, and the peace and happiness in the old age.
The book is illustrated by Jingjian Wang. He created dozens of illustrations according to the story contents and vividly reproduced the scenes of the old day lives, bitterness and pleasures. Every stroke describes the kindness, dignity, friendship and love of human nature.

Editor: Jing Lang

Illustration: Jingjian Wang

Editorial Design: Jiayan He

Art Director: 
Jingjian Wang, Jiayan He, Shangning Wang

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